Aware Of These Things Before Buying Rugs From The Manufacturer!

 Unlike before, we do not need to go to a local store to buy a rug. We can now approach the Rugs Manufacturers directly and make an informed purchase decision. Buying rugs from the manufacturer brings loads of advantages, including saving huge money. However, there are multiple things to know before dealing with the manufacturer.

Many purchasers often think that considering elements such as lifestyle and budget is enough to make the right rug. Of course, these things are important, but paying attention to the rug’s construction and how it impacts the rug’s feel and look. Go through this blog carefully to know vital things before buying Rugs in India from the manufacturer!

What to know before buying from the manufacturer

When purchasing with the retailer, you cannot obtain technical details about the carpet because they are the middlemen and sell the product for a profit margin. If you really wish to get the in-depth benefit of the carpet, you must reach the manufacturer and get the carpet suitable for your needs. When you reach the manufacturer for the first time to buy a rug, you must be aware of these things.

Rugs’ colorfastness

Checking the rug’s colorfastness is important when buying a new rug. Even though water-cleaning stains may not provide long-term effects, it is mandatory to have a test performed before to see whether the color transfers. To do this, wet a while cloth with the cleaning solution and wipe on the rug. Make sure that the dye of the rug does not transfer. Always use room-temperature water when cleaning rugs. 


Before buying a rug, we must consider the material used to make the rug. Remember that the fiber used in the construction of carpet plays a vital role in its durability, comfort and plush. Based on the style and décor of your home, choose the type of rug fiber to get its benefits completely. For instance, silk is the right choice for a luxurious rug. 

Construction characteristics

Spend some time and find out the ins and outs of the rug’s construction techniques. Other vital parameters that determine the quality of the rug are pile height, fiber density, stitch rate, gauge, and others. Apart from these vital technical details, we must make ourselves familiar with the weaving techniques, such as handmade and machine-made.  

Beyond that, we must be aware of the size of the rug suitable for every space. It helps design our space elegantly and luxuriously. We should ask our doubts to the manufacturer and convey our requirements carefully to get the best quality rugs.